An All-English Preschool in Yokohama.
English classes for 2 years old to elementary school age.


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Sunrise Kids International School

Sunrise Kids International School Yokohama

Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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045- 620- 2490 Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-6:00pm
Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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Lesson & Events

Lesson & Events

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

We made it into 2019 and that means we’re nearing the end of the 2018 school year. But that we’re not quite there yet so we need to stay busy and finish the last couple of months strong!

We started the month (and the year) by talking about and depicting our adventures from the winter holiday. Some of us went to shrines, some of us watched fireworks and some of us even went camping! But no matter what we did, we all had lot’s of fun! So let’s see what some of us did.

FB Winter Holiday
A trip to see grandpa and grandma led to receiving otoshidama!

FB Winter Holiday 2
A camping trip led to making new friends and building a snowman!

LC Winter Holiday
Happy New Year from the Little Caterpillars!

LC Winter Holiday 2
We used paint and paper to create a beautiful fireworks display!

LC Winter Holiday 3
Very colorful fireworks indeed!

SB Winter Holiday
Incredible artistic skills displayed by the Shiny Butterfly class!

SB Winter Holiday 2
Family visits and trips abroad. We all had lots and lots of fun!

So there you have it. A wonderful holiday spent doing all manner of things. We also started performance day practice but that’s a secret.

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