スクールソング School Song
- The rain has gone
and the sun will shine. - 雨はやみ太陽はかがやく
- Let's enjoy the new day.
- 今日も素敵な一日にしよう!
- Our smiles are bright through any
weather, and we are happy today. - どんな天気だって僕たちの笑顔はまぶしく光る!今日も一日幸せさ!
- We are Sunrise Kids.
Yes we are Sunrise Kids. - 僕らはサンライズキッズ そうさ!僕らはサンライズキッズ
- Singing laughing, playing together.
- 歌って笑って遊ぼうよ!
- We are happy today.
- 今日も一日幸せさ!
- We may be small
but our hearts are strong - 体は小っちゃくても心は強い!
- And we have something to say
- それだけじゃないよ、
- "Everyday we're bigger and stronger
- 毎日、僕らはどんどん大きく強くなっていくんだ
- And we are happy today."
- 今日も一日幸せさ!
- We are Sunrise Kids.
Yes we are Sunrise Kids. - 僕らはサンライズキッズ そうさ!僕らはサンライズキッズ
- Singing laughing, playing together.
- 歌って笑って遊ぼうよ!
- We are happy today.
- 今日も一日幸せさ!