An All-English Preschool in Yokohama.
English classes for 2 years old to elementary school age.


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Sunrise Kids International School

Sunrise Kids International School Yokohama

Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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045- 620- 2490 Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-6:00pm
Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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Lesson & Events

Lesson & Events

Performance Day Event

Hello and welcome to this month’s special lesson!

February has ended and the rainy month of March is now upon us. Let us reflect on all the great times we had this February. On the 22nd of February, we had the long awaited for… Performance Day event!

Getting ready for the show!

Getting ready for the show!

A classic tale

A classic tale

Performance Day is a big deal, here at Sunrise International School. In Japan, it is often called Tanoshimikai, which roughly translates to “Fun Time Party”, which is fairly accurate. While Performance Day is a big event, that we practice hard for, we still have a fun time practicing for it, and an even greater time with the actual performance!

The march hare

The march hare

Off with her head!

Off with her head!

With their parents coming to the event, the students were very excited and gave their best performance they could. While lines were forgotten and beats to dancing were missed, it was still a great performance that everyone loved! With so many different performances, such as dances, songs, instrumental playing and theatrical plays, the event was outstanding, with friends and family very proud of the students for their special performances.

The Hungry Caterpillar cast!

The Hungry Caterpillar cast!

Our amazing costumes!

Our amazing costumes!

The Fluttery Butterfly class!

The Fluttery Butterfly class!

As you can see, the students really enjoyed having Performance Day, and are excited to impress their parents next year, with an even better event! We can`t wait to see it!

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