An All-English Preschool in Yokohama.
English classes for 2 years old to elementary school age.


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Sunrise Kids International School

Sunrise Kids International School Yokohama

Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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045- 620- 2490 Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-6:00pm
Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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Lesson & Events

Lesson & Events


Hello everyone and welcome to this month’s special lesson blog! This month we’ll be taking a look at what all the classes planted in their pots. So let’s get to it!

Here at Sunrise, we’re not just interested in the development and growth of the children but the growth of things around us. We notice the changes in the flowers and trees around us but rarely stop to observe exactly what is happening. From May, we like to plant seeds and see the process in which the seeds develop into flowers and various fruits and vegetables.


We start with a tiny seed.


We put that seed into some soil.


We give it some water.


We then pose for a photo while wait to see how the seed grows!


Sometimes you need to start with a smaller pot and less soil.

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Sometimes you need a bigger pot with more soil.


But in all cases, you need lots of love.

So that’s it from us. We look forward to seeing how all of our plants grow and we hope you enjoy seeing how well we take care of them. Until next time, happy growing!

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